Statement from the Apostolic Council Prophetic Elders Concerning a False Prophetic Word Targeting President Donald Trump I Corinthians 14:29 (Amplified Bible, AMP): “Let two or three prophets speak (as inspired by Holy Spirit), while the rest pay attention and weigh carefully what is said.” The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (A.C.P.E.) is a group of sixty seasoned prophets who have been meeting for 25 years. Several of the names on this document are pioneers of the modern-day prophetic movement. The ACPE was initially convened after several questionable national-level words were released—prophetic words that caused great confusion within the Body of Christ.
As a council of prophetic elders, our intent remains to hear the word of the Lord together and seek God’s wisdom to apply 1 Corinthians 4:29 when a questionable word is issued that could bring fear or confusion, neither of which God authors. It is for this purpose that we write this statement. While we hear various words that seem questionable at best, we have never publicly called out a prophetic word as false in our 25-year history. However, when what is issued is so flagrantly false and carries the potential to incite violence and cause division in the name of God, we feel that we must denounce it as such as a group. Further, there is a clear pattern of disturbing false prophecies being released by a minister who many identify as a prophet. These prophecies are being released to a global audience via social media. Since these harmful words were publicly released to a global audience, we feel they require a public response. We will present them one by one: 1. The ‘God Punched Trump’ Prophecy On November 4th, 2024—Election Day Eve in the U.S.—a prophetic word regarding Trump’s presidency was issued by this minister. Additionally, on November 5th, 2024 (Election Day), this same minister released a separate word connecting a Trump presidency with God's judgment on the people of God in America. Excerpt from the November 4, 2024 posted video: “God punched Donald Trump in the face and his teeth came out and there was a lot of blood. And that was quite symbolic of what he represented. The word of the Lord is this, that there would be a catastrophic time of him (Trump) leading and then he would be removed by God because he had become the champion of himself and then Trump fell over. His partnership with unredeemed sex, unredeemed power, and unredeemed money had opened the door for all sorts of evil to be released through him.” 2. The Trump Presidency Being God’s Judgment Prophecy Excerpt from the November 5, 2024 posted video: During the broadcast, it was also strongly inferred that prayer would not change the outcome of these words. They were settled. “We, (referring to the minister and their team) believe that Trump is going to be a judgment on the people of God.” 3. The Leviathan Released Because of Trump Prophecy Other words from within this minister’s group have been issued during this time saying a seven-headed Leviathan had been released across the world and brought chaos because of Trump. We also judge this to be a false prophecy that is based out of a political bias and hatred of President Trump stemming from a political world view that differs from his conservative stances. Other “prophetic” revelations and declarations presented in the same media broadcast were also very concerning to us, but we will not specifically address them at this time. 4. The Judging the American Church Prophecy In addition to the “God Punched Trump” statement, this same minister has also written and spoken on other occasions, declaring that the Church of America has exchanged spiritual power for political power. While this might be the case in some instances, no one we know has done that. Secondly, the inference that the American Church doesn’t need Jesus now because they have Trump is also false. The churches and movements that we know of, and there are many, understand that Trump is only human and God reigns supreme. Trump is not God, and we are not glorifying him as such. However, we also know that this election was not only a national election but carries a global impact —in other words, this election had implications that rippled through nations. Hundreds of thousands of people in the world understand the consequence of electing leaders who are for late-term abortion, gender transitioning of children paid for with taxpayers’ money, and other anti-Biblical positions. 5. The Tyranny and the Fall of Democracy in America Prophecy Excerpt from the November 8, 2024 posted video: “The Lord says, USA, the days of your greatest instability in your history are here and are now. The Lord says lawlessness, America, has been released upon your shores… There will be chaos. There will be loss of life. There will be riots. This will be the culmination of years, and the Lord says you will see in the natural realm a Romans chapter 1, where there is a giving over to tyranny, a giving over to lawlessness, a giving over to the full force of the moral rot … “God is pressurizing and allowing a pressurization to come into nations where democracy doesn't work. Democracy is about to not hold. Democracy is about to fail. It is about to become not the solution that it's been for many decades. Some of the economic structures are going to fall and fold as God starts to say I will provoke you and your citizens to call on my name.” The A.C.P.E. judges these words as false. Our concerns are as follows:
I Corinthians 13 strongly admonishes us to operate out of love. It is sandwiched between I Corinthians 12 and 14. The words in question do not reflect love. Taking the Matthew 18 Approach In accordance with Matthew 18, we have approached some of these prophetic voices with our concerns about these words. We asked them to retract these presumptuous and dangerous words, which we have deemed to have been prompted out of the wrong spirit. So far there does not seem to be any willingness to listen to the counsel of the voices that this person not long ago considered to be mothers and fathers in their lives. Our desire was to address these issues privately and hope for a resolution that will bring healing to the person and the Body of Christ. Unfortunately, those efforts have not yielded fruit. Due to the serious nature of the words being shared publicly—and how they could be used to either release a curse that one may unwittingly agree with or even inspire one to fulfill its violent rhetoric—we felt it was important to make a public statement about our views of these public proclamations. We had hoped that there would at least be an acknowledgment that it was not wise to release these words publicly but rather to submit them to mature oversight and perhaps intercession. We are deeply concerned for the members of the Body of Christ who have been hurt, confused, and jarred by the context of the word and the dogmatic tone in which it was delivered. As a result of this grievous concern, and our deep love for this ministry and those who heard the word, the Holy Spirit directed us to issue this statement. In humility and in the fear of the Lord we do so. Speaking the Truth in Love We love the prophetic and believe it has the potential to bring God’s purposes into the earth like nothing else can, but we also are zealous for its integrity and ministry to be pure and ministered in proper protocol and wisdom. We are praying for those involved in releasing these controversial and detrimental words and hope they will move in a rightful and mature way to heal the land and not speak division and destruction. We love them, pray for them, and believe God will move in their lives. Let’s Pray Father, we love your voice. We believe you have ordained a new day for America and that you will use newly re-elected President Trump to help bring this to pass. We believe in your mandate to disciple nations and ask you to help us to fulfill this commission! We love you and your kingdom and your people. We know that you love your prophets and need them to speak your word in purity and integrity as never before. We are praying for every nation to turn to you and receive your blessing! God, we ask that You bless us with reformation, revival, awakening, and a great harvest in this hour. Bless America and heal our Land! Signed, Mike and Cindy Jacobs Bishop Bill Hamon Bishop Joseph Garlington Tom and Jane Hamon Sharon Stone-Black and Greg Black Chuck Pierce Dutch Sheets Barbara Yoder James Goll Patricia King Todd White Arleen Westerhof Katherine Ruonala Matt and Kim Lockett Michele Jackson Tommy and Miriam Evans Larry Sparks Matt Sorger Jon and Jolene Hamill Anthony and Melissa Medina Barbie Breathitt Rebecca Greenwood Eleanor and Robert Roehl Faytene Grasseschi Herman Martir Mark Gonzales Mary Glazier Patricia Bootsma Rick and Patricia Riddings Stacey Campbell Steven and Rene Springer Hal and Cheryl Sacks Jody Wood
LET'S JOIN IN PRAYER TONIGHT FROM 8PM-10PM ET FOR THE NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER BROADCAST NDP president Kathy Branzell and Will Graham of The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association will be hosting the broadcast and other leaders from across the nation, will lead times of prayer and worship, including Rick Warren (Saddleback Church); Bishop Harry Jackson (Hope Christian Church); Michael W. Smith (Nashville); Nick Hall (Pulse); Kanita Benson (American Bible Society); U.S. Senators James Lankford, Chris Coons, Tim Scott, and U.S. Representative Emanuel Cleaver; Andrew Palau (The Luis Palau Evangelistic Association) and many more. The event will be broadcasted, streamed and posted in various ways including on National Day of Prayer website ( Facebook LIVE ( and cross-posted on many of our ministry partners websites and Facebook pages. It can be viewed on television on GodTV (, Daystar (, TLN (, and Enlace (, as well as heard on Moody (, Bott (, and Salem ( Radio Networks, and others! You can check the broadcasting partners' websites for broadcast times and local station information! NDOP is asking that we use the hashtags #PRAYGODSGLORY #PRAYFORAMERICA #NATIONALDAYOFPRAYER as we post on social media and we join tonight and share this with others. Click LIKE on Facebook page ( to be encouraged in your prayer life throughout the year and to learn about other upcoming initiatives and events. On Friday, January 24, 2020: President Trump made history as the first U.S. President to ever speak at the March for Life, the largest pro-life march in the country, in Washington, DC and continues to be the most pro-life President in U.S. History. #prolife #roevwade #whywemarch #marchforlife
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November 2024